


v1.5.7 – 2024/09/02
* Notice: In the Date Shortcode input dates with the format ‘m/d/Y g:i a’ will now be parsed as ‘d/m/Y g:i a’ (day and month swapped)
* Tweak: Add regex-match shortcode for checking regex patterns on strings
* Tweak: added &123;post:type-label-plural}
* Fix: In the Date Shortcode dates coming from an ACF field might have the day and month swapped, check the notice above
* Minor Fixes

v1.5.6 – 2024/08/23
* Fix: PHP error with acf shortcode used inside a date shortcode in some cases

v1.5.5 – 2024/08/23
* Tweak: You can now disable showing Dynamic Shortcodes errors and warnings in the frontend
* Fix: date with the @local keyarg would return a time with wrong offset if the current DST is different than that of the given timestamp

v1.5.4 – 2024/08/20
* New: WordPress Shortcode `dsh` gives the ability to use Dynamic Shortcodes in all those places that are not yet supported directly but where WordPress Shortcodes work
* Tweak: Added a built in filter ‘shuffle’, similar to PHP shuffle function , but that can work as a filter
* Tweak: Date Shortcode, add local keyarg for dates set in local time as is the case for ACF field. For ACF field this option will be automatic.
* Minor Fixes

v1.5.3 – 2024/08/13
* Fix: Archive Shortcode was not working in some cases

v1.5.2 – 2024/08/09
* Fix: Build URL Shortcode had a sanitization issue when used together with the API Shortcode

v1.5.1 – 2024/08/09
* Fix: PHP warning with the Term shortcode with some Taxonomy types
* Fix: Wrong result for the Term shortcode in the Bricks Terms Query in some cases

v1.5.0 – 2024/08/07
* New: Archive shortcode for retrieving the archive title, prefix, and description
* New: API Dynamic Shortcode for making remote requests
* Tweak: The Term Dynamic Shortcode shortcode now works inside Bricks Term loops
* Fix: In an term archive page the acf shortcode for terms will work without specifying the term id
* Minor Fixes

v1.4.1 – 2024/07/25
* Fix: Some Bricks Dynamic Data types were not being expanded in some contexts

v1.4.0 – 2024/07/24
* New: Add support for the Bricks Builder
* New: Add expand! global keyarg for expanding shortcodes in the result of a shortcode, you should only use this with trusted data
* Tweak: post can now retrieve the CPT label with type-label
* Tweak: you can use &123;acf-row:index} to get the current row index in ACF loops
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.8 – 2024/07/12
* Fix: &123;woo:attributes} didn’t work for Simple Products
* Fix: &123;media:image} and &123;media:url} didn’t work with full size
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.7 – 2024/06/26
* Tweak: You can now easily access the last element of an array with the filter `||last`, the penultimate with `||last-1` etc.
* Tweak: wp-shortcode now also handles WordPress shortcodes that accept content
* Tweak: added &123;media:permalink}
* Fix: &123;woo:attributes} retrieved only the attributes used in variations. Now it retrieves all of them.
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.6 – 2024/06/13
* Tweak: added &123;user:is-logged-in}
* Tweak: now &123;post:content} retrieve the original content, not processed by PHP filters. &123;post:content-rendered} retrieves the content rendered.
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.5 – 2024/06/07
* Fix: Auto updates not working in some cases
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.4 – 2024/06/03
* Fix: Minor issue with wp-shortcode

v1.3.3 – 2024/06/03
* New: Dynamic Shortcode wp-shortcode for expanding WordPress Shortcodes and mixing them with Dynamic Shortcodes
* Fix: &123;woo:attributes} didn’t retrieve the value in some cases
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.2 – 2024/05/29
* Tweak: Date shortcode, add keyargs @year, @month etc. for quickly fetching part of a date
* Fix: solved a Fatal Error on the demo in some cases
* Fix: In the Elementor Editor, while modifying an Elementor Taxonomy Loop template, the term Dynamic Shortcode did not display the result
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.1 – 2024/05/15
* Fix: various issues with the demo shortcodes
* Fix: acf-row shortcode is missing error
* Minor Fixes

v1.3.0 – 2024/05/13
* New: Incoming compatibility with Dynamic Content For Elementor
* New: Dynamic Shortcodes Collection in the WordPress dashboard
* Tweak: the Term shortcode is now compatible with Elementor Taxonomy Loops
* Tweak: Add shortcodes &123;post:content} and &123;post:post_content} (unfiltered)
* Tweak: Add shortcodes &123;media:file-path} and &123;media:image} (images only)
* Tweak: Add &123;acf-row:layout} shortcode for retrieving the ACF Flexible Content layout in a loop
* Tweak: add &123;user:avatar-url} and &123;user:avatar}
* Minor Fixes

v1.2.1 – 2024/03/08
* Fix: Fatal error in some cases with PHP < v8

v1.2.0 – 2024/03/07
* New: Elementor Dynamic Tag Dynamic Shortcodes Gallery
* New: the acf-loop Dynamic Shortcode now supports ACF Relationship fields
* New: the acf Dynamic Shortcode now supports the @setting keyarg for fetching the ACF fields settings
* Tweak: acf Dynamic Shortcode, the @sub keyarg is no longer needed as sub fields will be auto-detected
* Fix: Error on the dashboard when uninstalling the plugin
* Minor Fixes

v1.1.7 – 2024/02/14
* Tweak: Add set-default Dynamic Shortcode, it will initialize a global variable with a value only if it’s not already initialized.
* Fix: Safe tags (like HTML anchors) were incorrectly escaped in some situations
* Fix: Array Access on bools, integers or null will return null, same as PHP and versions before 1.1.4. But you will still get a PHP warning.
* Minor Fixes

v1.1.6 – 2024/02/08
* Tweak: Query Dynamic Shortcode, add woo-products query type
* Tweak: Add examples on using the Loop Dynamic Shortcode in the Demos
* Fix: elementor-template fatal error when using templates of type other than Loop Item or Section
* Minor Fixes

v1.1.5 – 2024/02/01
* Fix: Keyargs in the Array Dynamic Shortcodes were not evaluated and could only be literal values, so key=42 worked, but not key=$value
* Minor Fixes

v1.1.4 – 2024/01/31
* Tweak: Media Dynamic Shortcode, add media:width and media:height for image Media
* Fix: trying to use the array access filter (`||`) with an object resulted in a PHP Error instead of a normal Dynamic Shortcode usage error
* Minor Fixes

v1.1.2 – 2024/01/24
* Tweak: The Media Dynamic Shortcode can now fetch the Alternative Text with &123;media:alt-text}

v1.1.1 – 2024/01/23
* Fix: PHP Error in the new Elementor Template

v1.1.0 – 2024/01/23
* New: Loop (loop) Dynamic Shortcode, a loop that automatically set the current post
* New: Elementor Template (elementor-template) Dynamic Shortcode, for rendering an elementor template given its id
* Tweak: You can now use the $var syntax instead of &123;get:var} when inside a dynamic shortcode
* Fix: PHP warning sometimes appearing with the woo dynamic shortcode and WP_DEBUG on
* Minor Fixes

v1.0.2 – 2024/01/09
* Fix: Issues with fetching of JetEngine, Metabox and Pods fields.
* Minor Fixes

v1.0.1 – 2023/12/21
* Tweak: A top level Dynamic Shortcode returning an array would result in the string “Array”, now it display an error with information on how to handle arrays
* Fix: One could use &123;woo:attributes} on a Simple WooCommerce Product, resulting in an error
* Minor Fixes

v1.0 – 2023/12/18
* Dynamic Shortcodes 1.0 release 🚀